February 2019: Odisha state launches deworming, LF MDA and vit A campaigns

Odisha state launches deworming, lymphatic filariasis MDA and vitamin A campaigns: Media reported this month that the Odisha government aims to deworm approximately 13 million children from 1 to 19 years across all 30 of its districts over National Deworming Day on February 8. Children who miss the February 8 campaign will be “mopped up” and given the deworming tablet the week after.

In addition, the state will also administer door-to-door mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis in the districts of Angul, Bhadrak, Ganjam and Nayagarh.

Meanwhile, the state government also announced a vitamin A supplementation campaign this month—targeting children from 9 months to 5 years of age at routine immunization session sites and during special Village and Health Nutrition Days in all 30 of the state’s districts. Orissa Diary report

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