Technical Brief: Transitioning Delivery of Health Campaign Interventions to the Primary Health Care System

Technical Brief: Transitioning Delivery of Health Campaign Interventions to the Primary Health Care System: Achieving a Strategic Balance of Independent and Integrated Delivery of Interventions

Public health campaigns are part of the primary health care (PHC) system, yet service delivery of campaign  interventions is commonly conducted independently to address targeted health goals.  Independent delivery of campaign-based health interventions is often moved to delivery via the PHC system in countries entering middle-income status, witnessing shifts in donor funding, experiencing positive changes in the epidemiological trends (e.g., reaching disease elimination targets), and/or aiming for universal health coverage.

Campaigns can integrate service delivery partially and incrementally with the PHC system to reach a strategic balance of interventions delivered via the PHC system and independent campaigns. Where possible, developing an integration readiness framework is critical to transition delivery of some or all campaign-based services into PHC systems. It is important to assess experiences and opportunities, entry points, and drivers of integrating delivery of campaign interventions with the PHC system. It is also important to assess the processes, best practices, health outcomes, and impact of integrated delivery of campaign interventions with the PHC system.

This brief introduces the concept of transitioning independent delivery of donor and/or government funded campaign interventions to integrated delivery through the PHC system, contributes to discussions among countries, donors, implementing partners, and other stakeholders about the benefits and tradeoffs of integrating delivery of campaign interventions with PHC, summarizes the lessons learned from experiences and highlights the evidence gaps.

Transitioning Delivery of Health Campaign Interventions to the Primary Health Care System Jan 2021

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